The Power of Prioritization: Creating Your Master List for Q4

Project Planning

Now that you’ve crafted a clear vision for your final 90-day sprint, it’s time to get tactical. One of the biggest game-changers for me when it comes to finishing strong is prioritization.

I’ll admit, I used to be the type of person who wanted to do it all—every project, every opportunity, everything that seemed even remotely exciting. And while ambition is great, it left me feeling scattered and frustrated when the quarter would end, and I’d have a bunch of half-finished projects, but no clear sense of achievement.

It wasn’t until I learned to narrow my focus—getting crystal clear on what actually mattered—that things shifted. That’s when I realized: you can’t do it all. But you can do a few things really, really well.

And that’s the goal as we head into Q4: To focus on what matters most.

Your Q4 Master List: How to Prioritize What Matters

Once you’ve set your Q4 vision (as we discussed in Blog #8), the next step is creating your Master List of Projects & Priorities. This is where you get honest about what you can accomplish in the next 90 days and what will have the greatest impact on your goals.

Here’s how I approach this process, and how you can too:

  1. Start with your vision
    Go back to the vision you created for Q4. What are the top 2–3 big goals that align with that vision? These are your guiding stars for the next three months. Your Master List should support these goals and help you move toward them.
  2. Brain dump everything
    This part is fun. Write down everything that’s on your mind. All the tasks, projects, ideas, and to-dos floating around. Get it all out on paper—don’t filter anything yet.
  3. Sort through the noise
    Now that you’ve got your brain dump, it’s time to start sorting. Look at each item and ask yourself: Does this directly support my Q4 vision? If not, park it in a “later” list. This isn’t about doing everything. It’s about doing the right things.
  4. Break it down into weekly steps
    Big goals can feel overwhelming if you don’t break them down. Once you’ve narrowed your focus to the key projects, start breaking them into smaller, actionable steps. What can you realistically accomplish each week? This is where your Master List becomes a roadmap for your quarter.
  5. Let go of what’s not essential
    This part can be tough, but it’s essential for staying focused. Everything that doesn’t align with your top goals gets parked. You can always come back to these projects later, but for now, they don’t need your attention.

What’s on Your Q4 Master List?

Now it’s your turn. Take some time this week to create your Q4 Master List. What are you going to focus on for the next 90 days? What projects are you parking for later?

Once you have your priorities set, everything else becomes so much easier. You’ll find that you’re less overwhelmed, more focused, and way more productive when you’re clear on where your time and energy should go.

I’d love to hear about your Master List—what’s on it? How are you feeling about the final sprint of 2024? Share your progress with me, and let’s finish this year strong, together.

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