Harness Your Entrepreneurial Genius: How to Equip and Strengthen Your Archetypes


In our last blog, we talked about the 7 Entrepreneurial Archetypes and how understanding them can help you navigate your business with more clarity. But knowing about these archetypes is only the beginning. To fully harness their power, you need to equip them with the right tools, strategies, and mindset.

Today, we’re diving into exactly how you can strengthen these archetypes so that when you need to step into a particular role—whether it’s Visionary or Evangelist—you’re fully prepared to do so with confidence and ease.

Why Equipping Your Archetypes Matters

As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly shifting between roles. We go from dreamer to strategist, from sales person to team leader, sometimes within the span of a single day. The key to thriving in this journey is to consciously equip each role with the right tools and practices. It’s about giving yourself what you need to show up fully in each moment.

Here’s the thing: we all know the stress of trying to do it all, but by equipping each of these archetypes, you’ll start to feel more in control, more capable, and—dare I say it—more at peace. When you consciously step into these roles, armed with the right strategies, you’ll start to see not just progress in your business but also a deeper sense of fulfillment.

Let’s look at how to equip and strengthen each of the 7 archetypes:

Equipping the 7 Archetypes

1. The Visionary

The Visionary thrives on big-picture thinking. This is the part of you that sees what’s possible, dreams of the future, and creates your business vision.

  • Tools: Journaling, Vision Boards, Mind Mapping Software.
  • Practice: Start your morning with a quiet session to journal your ideas for the future. Let your imagination run wild. Spend time building a vision board to make those dreams visual and tangible. This is your chance to let your Visionary shine.
2. The Strategist

Once the Visionary has dreamed, it’s the Strategist’s turn to break those dreams into manageable steps. The Strategist loves structure, order, and a clear path forward.

  • Tools: Project Management Software (e.g., Asana, Trello), Quarterly Planning Sheets.
  • Practice: Set aside time each week to create a roadmap for achieving your goals. Use a project management tool to keep everything organized. The Strategist thrives when there’s a plan in place, so make sure you’re mapping out your next moves​.
3. The Evangelist

The Evangelist loves to connect with others. This archetype brings your passion to the world, whether through sales, marketing, or spreading the word about your business.

  • Tools: Refined Sales Messaging, Social Media Profiles, Impactful Marketing Materials.
  • Practice: Take time to revisit your messaging. Does it clearly communicate your passion and what you stand for? Ensure your marketing materials reflect your mission and get out there—engage your audience​.
4. The Expert

The Expert is all about mastery. This is where your skills and expertise come into play, delivering the results that keep clients coming back.

  • Tools: Testimonials, Case Studies, Industry Research.
  • Practice: Create a collection of client success stories and case studies to remind yourself of the impact you’re making. Continue to hone your expertise by staying current with industry trends, reading books, and attending relevant events​.
5. The Leader

The Leader inspires and empowers others. Whether you’re leading a team or a community, this archetype ensures you bring people together under a common vision.

  • Tools: Personality Profiling Tools (e.g., DISC), Team Communication Platforms, Weekly Agendas.
  • Practice: Use personality profiles to understand your team’s strengths and tailor your leadership style. Hold regular team meetings to keep everyone aligned and motivated​.
6. The Custodian

The Custodian handles the details. While this may not always feel like the most glamorous role, it’s essential to keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes.

  • Tools: Time Management Systems, Scheduling Software, Project Management Tools.
  • Practice: Block time for your Custodian tasks. Handle the admin, emails, and operational details that keep your business humming. And remember, these tasks may feel mundane, but they’re crucial​.
7. The Alchemist

The Alchemist is your financial genius. This archetype ensures your business is profitable, that you’re charging what you’re worth, and that the numbers are working in your favor.

  • Tools: Accounting Software, Profit & Loss Reports, Budgeting Tools.
  • Practice: Make it a habit to review your financials weekly. Ensure you have systems in place to track revenue, manage expenses, and monitor profitability​.

My invitation for today…

Take a moment to reflect on where you’re feeling strongest and where you may need to invest a bit more energy. This week, pick one archetype and focus on strengthening it. Equip it with the tools and practices that will allow you to thrive.I’d love to hear which archetype you’re focusing on this week! Leave a comment or reply to this email to share how you’re equipping yourself for success. And don’t forget to tune in next week as we wrap up the Bold & Brave Finish series and revisit all you’ve learned on this journey.

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