Ready to up-level how you attract and enroll your ideal clients?

More meaningful connections and more ideal clients are just one click away.

A woman point to a screen while on the phone with a mockup hovering over the image listing a highly committed lead and a uncommitted lead.
Illustration of two people high fiving

We'll take it from here

Your time is your greatest asset.

Let our assessment specialists get you up and running with a proven client acquisition system in as little as 72 hours.

With our state-of-the-art assessment software and proven sales methodology, you’ll have a simple process for attracting, engaging and enrolling more right-fit clients.

Introducing the...

Sales Acceleration Quick Start Bundle

Mockup of Magpai's back office results page on a macbook pro.

Here’s what’s included...


Deep-Dive Client Discovery Process

When you say YES to the Sales Acceleration Bundle, you will immediately be assigned a personal assessment specialist who will walk you through our 4-step Assessment Launch Process.

Through our in-dept Client Discovery process we’ll gain a deep understanding of your business.

From clarifying your ideal client profile and your offer, to articulating the transformation you deliver, we’ve got your back!


Done-For-You Assessment Design

Well-designed categories and statements are essential to high-converting assessments and are based on both your ideal client profile and the transformation you deliver.

Your assessment specialist will design your categories, statements, and copy for two high-converting sales assessments based on your two preferred client acquisition strategies.

You’ll emerge from this step with a deeper understanding of your unique client path, which is essential to communicating to prospects the results you help them create.


Done-For-You Assessment Buildout and Branding

In this step our skilled team of tech-geeks will build your assessment for you!

In as little as 48 hours, we’ll have you up and running with a beautifully branded, high-converting assessment you can deploy using our 4-step launch process for finding your next ideal clients.

From integrating your data with your chosen CRM or securing a unique domain, we’ve got you covered with personalized support, swipe copy and easy-to-use templates.

Mockup of the Magpai back-office and a little assessment to the side

Deploy Your Client Acquisition Strategy

With your high-converting assessment ready to go, you’ll meet personally with your assigned assessment specialist to review your assessment and map out your client acquisition strategy.

Starting with current and previous clients, you’ll find new opportunities to serve and spark raving fan reviews.

Next, you’ll create meaningful connections with those already on your list and spot those who are ready for what you offer and willing to invest.

Finally, you’ll launch the first of 7 Client Acquisition strategies based on your immediate needs and goals.


Enjoy our “No Client Left Behind” Service

We’ve got an Assessment Specialist standing by each weekday to help you!

Stop by our Daily Office Hours to get personalized support from our friendly client care team. From refining your existing assessment, creating additional ones or deploying one of our proven strategies, we are committed to your success!

Monday through Friday, from 1 pm to 2pm PST/ 4 pm to 5 pm ET.

magpai tool mockup of the Get Support page

VIP Bonus Trainings

Your marketing and sales success is driven by small, yet significant, tweaks in how you attract highly qualified leads, spark meaningful interactions, and close more ideal clients.

As a Sales Acceleration client, you will have access to five (5) exclusive bonuses to support you in closing more clients:

Bonus #1

3-Month Pro-Plus Subscription

We’ve got you covered with a 3-month subscription to our Pro-Plus package which includes our done-with-you CRM integration service.

You’ll also gain access to our NewLead Nurture Campaign Guide that includes helpful tips for “post integration strategies” and suggested swipe copy.  

Bonus #2

The Client Acquisition Launchpad

This bonus is designed to get you yourfirst clients as quickly as possible. Housed in your back-office, it provides astep-by-step roadmap with resources and easy-to-use swipe copy.

Cover page of the "Craft Your Engaging Offer" pdf guide. A woman handing over some papers.
Bonus #3

Craft Your Engaging Offer

Nothing will aid you more in marketing effectively and closing more clients than an unshakable belief in what you are offering. The greater your belief that your offer is the best next step for your clients, the more courageous you’ll be in your marketing, and the more effective you will be in all your one-on-one conversations.

In this training, you’ll take the all-important steps to clarify your client success path, chose what components you will include in your high-end offer and appropriately price your programs and packages. By the end of this training, you’ll have an enticing offer that provides a new sense of confidence in your ability to deliver on your promise and create raving fan clients.

Bonus #4

Activate Your Marketing Mojo

The greatest danger for any entrepreneur is the loss of confidence in their ability to generate revenue, so they can keep their business a float and enjoy the lifestyle they desire. Without the inspiration and willingness to put yourself out in the world, your business is at serious risk. The more resistance you have to marketing and selling, the less likely you are to succeed.

In this training, Jane reveals time-tested insights for overcoming the many hurdles that are keeping you from generating the revenue you desire. From how to release your resistance to being seen, to choosing marketing avenues that are fun and aligned with your values, you’ll activate your Marketing Mojo to up level your success.

Cover page of the "Activate Your Marketing Mojo" pdf guide. A woman smiling with a light white overlay.
Cover page of the "High-Ticket Enrollment Blueprint" pdf guide. A woman smiling with a light white overlay.
Bonus #5

High-Ticket Enrollment Mastery

Enrollment conversations are the lifeblood of your business success. Without a reliable, proven, consistent way of hopping on a call and enrolling ideal clients - you don’t have a business, you have a hobby. What if enrolling dream clients could be simple, fun, and incredibly rewarding? What if you had a simple, step-by-step process for conducting enrollment conversations that resulted in 80% or more of people saying YES to your invitation?

In this training, you will discover Jane’s time-tested step-by-step process for conducting efficient, and effective enrollment conversations that you enjoy conducting and that end in a YES. Never again will you “wing-it” or feel nervous about selling when you follow the High-Converting Enrollment Call Blueprint.

What our clients are saying...

Lead scoring assessments are now a necessity for coaches, consultants, and trainers.

"Incorporating our assessment into our live event campaigns has been a game-changer. Not only did it help with conversion, but it also identified the need for two additional programs, which we recently launched with great success."

Portait of Jay Fiset, a happy Magpai client

Jay Fiset


"Assessments helped structure my event content and conduct on-site coaching sessions which were instrumental in helping me identify the most qualified prospects in the room and then move them into my high-ticket offer."

Headshot of Magpai client, Kim Carpenter

Kim Carpenter

World Changing Women

"If you hold any kind of event, incorporating Magpai’s assessment software is a super smart move, just as it was for us."

Headshot of Magpai client, Christine Kloser

Christine Kloser

Best Selling Author, Coach, and Publisher

"Whether I am doing a presentation, workshop or hosting a masterclass, all my clients can benefit from having an assessment of their own to use in their sales and follow up process."

Headshot of Magpai client and founder of Power Up Your Follow Up, Debbie Hoffman

Debbie Hoffman

Founder of Power-up Your Follow-up

"Since requiring potential clients to take my assessment prior to our conversation, I’m averaging an 85% closing rate and shortened the time it takes to get to a YES."

Picture of Magpai client, Erica Boling, and her dog that she trained.

Erica Boling

Northeast K9 Institute

“By having event attendees complete our pre-assessment, we were able to begin building rapport with those most likely to invest, before they arrived. This information contributed to having our highest converting, 7 figure event in 4 years.”

Headshot of Magpai client, Armando Villa smiling at the camera

Armando Villa


"I've been using Magpai Assessments since 2017 and haven't looked back since. By having potential clients take my assessment prior to a Discovery Call, I save time and have a proven process for enrolling those I want to work with."

Portrait headshot of Isablle Tierney, a trusted Magpai client.

Isabelle Tierney

Founder of The Good Life

"Magpai’s assessment software has been an invaluable asset to my business. I've been using it for over two years and the information that this magical tool has helped me collect is PRICELESS!"

Portrait headshot of Magpai Client, Patty Farmer.

Patty Farmer

Marketing Media and Money

"Jane’s guidance on how to design my event content and assessment and flow hugely impacted my ability to increase conversion into our back-of-the-room offers.”

Photo of Jane Deuber and Steve Olsher at an event together

Steve Olsher

New Media Summit

The Sales Acceleration Quick-Start Bundle


2- and 3- payment plans available

Limited Time

Magpai's Done-For-You

Private assessment design consultation with our Founder

The build out of your assessment in Magpai

Private implementation session with an Assessment Specialist

Templates, checklists, scripts, and swipe copy

3-month subscription to Magpai

Done-For-You configuration of your unique domain

Done-For-You integration with your CRM

Your ongoing subscription after your first 3 months is $69/mo

line icon of a rocket ship taking off

Bonus #1: 3-Month Pro-Plus Subscription

We’ve got you covered with a 3-month subscription to our Pro-Plus package which includes our done-with-you CRM integration service.

line icon of two figures connecting with a dotted-line

Bonus #2: The Client Acquisition Launchpad

This bonus is designed to get you your first clients as quickly as possible. Housed in your back-office, it provides a step-by-step roadmap with resources and easy-to-use swipe copy.

icon of a computer with a mock picture of content over the top

Bonus #3: Craft Your Engaging Offer Training

All-important steps to clarify your client success path, create your high-end offer and appropriately price your programs and packages.

Simple line icon of 3 mockup templates with a hint of blue and coral color throughout

Bonus #4: Activate your Marketing Mojo

Time-tested insights for overcoming the many hurdles that are keeping you from generating the revenue you desire.

line icon of a handshake

Bonus #5: High-Converting Enrollment Call Blueprint

Discover Jane’s time-tested step-by-step process for conducting efficient, effective enrollment conversations that end in a YES.

Magpai’s No-Client-Left-Behind Guarantee

We’re not happy until you’ve doubled your investment.

We’re so confident our assessment software and sales methodology will enable you to generate TWICE your investment in less than 30 Days, we back it with our No Client Left Behind guarantee.

That means when you say yes to our Done-for-You assessment build-out, access our back-office resources, and follow our proven 4-step launch process, and DON’T generate sales twice your investment, the Magpai team will rally behind you with our Sales System Rehab to fix what’s not working and help you find your first clients.

We get these questions a lot...

Here are some answers!

If I need help designing my assessments or surveys, is there someone to talk to?

Yes! We have content design specialists available to answer questions and review your assessment in our daily office hours.

We also provide content templates, examples, and how-to instructions that make setting up your assessments easy and fast.

Can I integrate with my CRM?

Yes! We currently only integrate with 16 CRM's:

  1. Keap
  2. ActiveCampaign
  3. Mailchimp
  4. ConvertKit
  5. AWeber
  6. And many more...

Can my assessment sit on a custom domain? Like ''...

Yes! We do offer a service to connect your lead-scoring assessment to a custom domain.

We find that our clients do this for two main reasons: (1) a custom domain is easily shareable on meetings, webinars, etc... (2) and this gives your assessment and tech presence more credibility.

What is Lead Scoring?

Lead scoring is the act of rating a prospect or lead, often times through numeric values, to better gauge a lead's commitment and their overall sales-readiness.

This score allows a few things:
(1) A lead score allows you to prioritize your time with the prospects and leads who are highly-committed.
(2) Let's you engage in more meaningful conversations from the get-go due to prior knowledge on their path.

Can you implement videos to be incorporated within assessments?

Yes! Because our assessment features dynamic pages that have custom content based on their scores, we encourage our clients to implement custom videos for each type of lead (based on their scoring).

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