Why I Treat Every Quarter Like a 90-Day Sprint: Planning in a Fast-Paced World

Rear View Mirror

As we enter the last quarter of the year, I’m reminded of something that has been a cornerstone of my approach to business: treating every quarter like a 90-day sprint. It’s more than just a productivity hack; it’s a mindset that allows me and my team to stay laser-focused on key objectives, helping us achieve both short-term wins and long-term success.

The beauty of the last quarter is that it gives us a unique opportunity to finish strong. It’s the perfect time to reflect on the year’s progress, make any necessary course corrections, and set ourselves up to step into the New Year with a sense of celebration, clarity, and readiness for what’s to come.

But in today’s fast-paced business world, where the landscape is changing at the speed of light—thanks to advancements like AI and an upcoming election—it’s more important than ever to stay nimble, informed, and flexible. Opportunities will arise, and pivots will be necessary. How do we manage that without losing sight of our bigger vision?

It all comes down to purposeful planning.

Like many entrepreneurs, I didn’t always have a clear, written plan. Back in 1989, my husband Mario and I were two years into our first business venture. Things weren’t going as smoothly as we hoped. We were working long hours, cash flow was tight, and the stress was creeping into our relationship.

It wasn’t until my dad came to visit those things shifted. After observing the chaos, he asked me a question that changed everything: "Where’s your plan, sweetie?"

That’s when I realized we had been running our business without a clear roadmap. My dad’s advice was simple: "You can’t hit a target you can’t see. "It was my first real lesson in crafting a vision and creating a plan to get there.

And that’s exactly how I still approach each quarter of the year—with a clear vision and an actionable plan. But before I dive into planning the final sprint of any year, I’ve learned to take one crucial step: look back before I move forward.

Let the Past Inform Your Future

In the rush to move forward, it’s easy to overlook the valuable lessons from the past. But trust me, when you pause and take time to reflect on what has happened, you gain clarity on what’s working, what isn’t, and where you need to focus next.

That’s why I created a process called the Rearview Mirror Exercise. It’s something I do every year before I plan my final 90-day sprint. This simple yet powerful reflection allows me to gather insights from the previous three quarters so that I can approach the final quarter with confidence and clarity.

What Is the Rearview Mirror Exercise?

It’s exactly what it sounds like—an opportunity to look back on the year and let the past guide your future. Here’s a glimpse into the process:

  • What went well this year?
  • What are you most proud of accomplishing?
  • What do you wish you had done more or less of?
  • What projects or decisions, in hindsight, would you have done differently?

Answering these questions allows you to see patterns, celebrate wins, and learn from what didn’t work. It gives you the wisdom you need to adjust your goals, refine your approach, and avoid making the same mistakes.

Want to Try It?

I’ve put together a downloadable guide that will walk you through the full Rearview Mirror Exercise. It’s the perfect tool to help you step into the final quarter with clarity and focus—while using the lessons of the past to propel you forward.

Download Your Rearview Mirror Exercise Here

Take this time to reflect before you sprint. I promise, it will make all the difference as you finish the year strong and set yourself up for a powerful start to the New Year.

Here’s to your best finish yet!

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