Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Power: Meet the 7 Archetypes That Shape Success


Entrepreneurship can feel like a whirlwind some days. Between managing your vision, making sales, leading your team, and handling the day-to-day details, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of roles you need to play. Trust me, I’ve been there.

In fact, early in my entrepreneurial journey, I struggled to keep up with all these different roles. That’s when I knew I needed to create a model—a way to organize and compartmentalize all these aspects of entrepreneurship. And that’s how the 7 Entrepreneurial Archetypes were born.

In short, it’s a model I created to help me compartmentalize my multi-faceted roles as an entrepreneur and show up as my best self in whatever the day demanded.

The Archetypes enable me to call out the skills, temperament, and wisdom needed for any situation. It allowed me to view my day in segments, acknowledging when I transitioned to a different role that required something specific from me.

What I found is that this “conscious transition” from one role to another gave me a sense of peace and control. It empowered me to embrace the many facets of whatI was bringing to whatever was in front of me. By leaning into these archetypes and consciously tapping into the mindset and skills each required, I grew as a leader. And to my surprise, I also saw my bottom line grow as I achieved more with less effort and, most importantly, began to enjoy the journey much more.

Over the years, I’ve refined this framework and have used it to help thousands of entrepreneurs navigate the ups and downs of their journeys with more clarity and ease.

Meet the 7 Archetypes:

Each of these archetypes represents a role that we, as entrepreneurs, need to step into at different points throughout the day. Understanding them allows you to consciously tap into the right energy, skillset, and mindset for whatever situation you’re facing.

  • The Visionary: The dreamer with an eye on the future. As a Visionary, you see possibilities others can’t. You’re always looking ahead, rallying your team around a compelling vision.
  • The Strategist: The one who turns dreams into action. The Strategist focuses on breaking big ideas down into practical, actionable steps that move the needle.
  • The Evangelist: The rainmaker. Driven by passion, the Evangelist rallies others, enrolls clients, and spreads the word about what you offer.
  • The Expert: This is where your mastery shines. The Expert delivers the results, creates change, and drives revenue by confidently sharing what you do best.
  • The Leader: The one who brings people together. The Leader knows how to inspire and motivate others to work toward a common vision.
  • The Custodian: The detail-oriented one. The Custodian takes care of the operations, making sure the business runs smoothly, even if the tasks are mundane.
  • The Alchemist: Your financial genius. The Alchemist ensures you manage your money wisely and charge what you’re worth, so your business remains healthy and profitable.

Here’s my request...

As you think about your own entrepreneurial journey, which of these archetypes do you naturally embody? Which one feels like it could use more attention? Over the next few days, start to notice when each archetype comes into play. Next week, we’ll dive deeper into how to equip and strengthen them.

I’d love to hear from you! Email me at jane@janedeuber.com and let me know which archetype resonates with you the most or where you feel challenged. And stay tuned for the next blog where we’ll explore how to harness and equip each archetype for success!

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