Unlock the Power of a Morning Practice: Your Secret Business Weapon


Have you ever wondered what just 30 minutes each morning could do for your mind, body, and even your business?

I used to think that morning routines were mostly about self-care—things like reducing stress or improving sleep. But as I leaned deeper into this practice, I realized it was doing something much more profound. Those quiet minutes in the morning weren’t just helping me feel better—they were reshaping how I showed up in every aspect of my life, especially in my business.

By aligning my mind, body, and soul before the day begins, I set the tone for all the responsibilities and challenges ahead. I recalibrate. I ground myself. And it’s this small but powerful practice that allows me to approach my work with more clarity and purpose.

Since committing to a morning routine, I’ve noticed reduced stress and anxiety, greater creativity, stronger relationships, better focus and energy, deeper sleep, and even a boosted immune system. These benefits don’t stop at improving my well-being—they directly impact how I show up in my business. I feel more present, focused, and equipped to handle challenges with clarity and purpose.

Why Does This Matter for Your Business?

You might be wondering, what does this have to do with growing your business?

Honestly? Everything.

When I’m grounded and strong emotionally and physically, my entire approach to the world changes. I’m more resilient, more open to opportunities, and I find myself energized to take bold action. And this shift isn’t just about productivity. It’s about stepping into a different mindset altogether—one whereI can see potential where others see limitations.

For example, on days when I’ve had my morning practice, I find myself more willing to take risks, to reach out and make the connections that can lead to game-changing opportunities. I’m more focused, more creative, and somehow, things that used to feel overwhelming don’t feel as heavy. It’s like my morning practice opens up a new level of energy and possibility that carries through everything I do.

Elements to Build into Your Morning Practice

The beautiful thing about a morning practice is that it’s entirely yours. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula, and it doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s routine. Over time, I’ve woven together elements that feel right for me, and some days it changes. The goal is to find what aligns with where you are right now.

A few things that have become staples in my practice are:

  • Committing to write this blog for 30 days, knowing that consistency in sharing is one way I show up for both myself and my community.
  • Saying yes to more speaking gigs and collaborations, which push me to step out of my comfort zone and into new opportunities.
  • Connecting with incredible people (old and new) who fuel my energy and remind me of why I do what I do.
  • Getting on video more, embracing the vulnerability of being seen, even when it feels uncomfortable.

It’s less about checking off a list and more about feeling into what you need in that moment. Sometimes it’s journaling, other days it’s a long walk. The point is to give yourself the gift of this time—to recalibrate before the busyness of the day takes hold.

What Awaits on the Other Side?

What I’ve learned is that when I commit to this practice, the results speak for themselves. It’s not just about feeling calm or grounded (although that’s certainly a bonus). It’s about who I become through this process:

  • Re-committing to my morning practice, which is my lifeline to grounding myself.
  • Taking breaks between meetings to reconnect with nature and give myself space to reflect.
  • Journaling more, not just as a form of release but to process the deeper lessons of each day.
  • Meditating, or simply being still, especially after a day of intense connection.
  • Listening to my body and honoring it with rest, movement, and care when it needs to recharge.

And perhaps most importantly, I feel more aligned with the vision I’m working toward in my life and my business. The simple act of starting my day with intention is transforming how I run my business—and how I live my life.

Are you ready to give this a try? I’d love to hear what unfolds for you after a few days of giving yourself this gift of time and attention. Let me know how it goes—drop me a note at janed@janedeuber.com. I can’t wait to hear about your journey.

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