My Journey of Letting Go, Regret, and Returning

Writing my Diary

The Diary of a Takeback

I believe everyone has a story. Not just the ones we share over dinner or the ones that make us look strong and successful. I’m talking about the stories that are messy and complicated—the ones that carry regret, confusion, even a little shame. These stories have weight. They challenge us to honor our humanness, find the lessons in the struggle, and perhaps most importantly, recognize the strength that carried us through.

You have those stories too—the ones that have shaped who you are today, that inform how you show up in the world, and how you lead your business. These stories don’t just belong to you; they ripple outward, influencing the people around you, the clients you serve, and the community you impact.

So, here’s one of mine—one I’ve been living for the past 15 months. I’m sharing it with you because I believe stories like these remind us that we’re never as alone as we think we are. Maybe it will offer you a new perspective, or simply a moment of reflection on your own journey.

October 2022: The Decision

I’ve been off the grid for a while, and it’s time to talk about why. So, let me get straight to it: In October of 2022, I decided to sell Magpai.

By March of 2023, I had found the buyer.

It felt surreal. After years of pouring my heart into building this company, I was letting go. I had convinced myself that it was the right decision—that I needed a break, a chance to explore life beyond the constant grind of entrepreneurship.

What followed was a year-long sabbatical—a year that in the beginning was filled with everything I had dreamed of: travel with my husband, Mario, hikes in nature, family dinners and the completion of projects we had put off for years.

For those first few months, it was beautiful. But then, slowly, a different feeling started creeping in. About four months into my sabbatical, I noticed the quiet had become overwhelming. There were no more mind-expanding meetings, no more clients to inspire and serve, no more collaborations with like-minded visionaries.

I was… bored. Really, painfully bored. For 37 years, I had been building businesses, creating something with meaning, connecting with people who inspired and challenged me. And suddenly, that part of my life was gone.

I missed the energy of my inbox filled with inquiries and opportunities. I missed the fun of a packed calendar, filled with client calls, team meetings, and creative problem-solving. The financial freedom was nice, sure—but it couldn’t replace the sense of purpose and contribution my work had always given me.

A Proclamation to The Universe

It was early on a fall morning, as I sat quietly dialoging with Source, when I wrote something I had not expected: “I wish I hadn’t sold Magpai.” The words sat there on the page, heavy and unmovable. In that moment, I realized I wasn’t just feeling nostalgic—I was feeling regret.

It’s funny, isn’t it? We make decisions that we believe are best for us, but sometimes, only in hindsight do we see them clearly for what they really are. I had let go of something I loved; something that had been a part of me for so long, and now I truly missed it.

But what could I do? The deal was done. The contract was signed, and the money was pouring in. So, I pushed the regret to the side and turned my attention to what was next. A new dream and vision for my next venture, which would be business #8.

The funny thing about speaking the truth – even if only on the page of a journal is that the universe is always listening. My entire life and career I’ve collected evidence that we are more powerful than we could ever imagine, and our words launch the creation of our desires.

January 2024: The Call

Fast forward to the end of January. Mario and I were on vacation in Hawaii with my son, Alex, and his girlfriend. Warm days, lazy afternoons and evenings filled with great food and loved ones. All was well in the world.

And then, out of the blue, my phone rang. It was the person who had bought Magpai. I answered, not expecting much more than a casual check-in. But what I heard on the other end of the line made my heart race. He said, “I’m sorry Jane, I’ve not been able to give Magpai what I know it needs. Would you be open to taking Magpai back?”

Time stood still f as I considered his request to step back into the role of CEO of Magpai. The universe had heard me.

I’ve always believed in the power of manifestation. I’ve manifested homes, relationships, opportunities, even remarkable life adventures. But never had I manifested a second chance at something I thought I had lost forever.

Now: A New Beginning

So here I am, back at the helm of Magpai.

But this time, everything feels different. I’m not just stepping back into the same role—I’m stepping into a new vision. I’m bringing with me a renewed sense of excitement, a deeper appreciation for what we’ve built, and a powerful team.

I’m not doing it alone anymore. I’ve aligned myself with people who share both our values and our vision for what’s possible for Magpai, and who are ready to serve our clients at a higher level as we reach more people and change more lives. Together, we’re reimagining what’s possible for the company, and for our clients.

An Invitation to You

Now that I’ve shared my journey, I invite you to reflect on yours. Reading this, maybe you’ve had times when you lost your passion for your business or couldn’t see the future through the fog. Maybe you’ve felt disconnected, unsure, and wanted to give up. If yes, you are not alone. It happens to all of us.

I’m curious… How do you feel about your business right now?

Are you waking up every day with excitement, clear on your purpose, and energized to move closer to your goals? Or have you found yourself feeling a little lost, questioning whether the fire that once fueled your ambition is still there?

Take a moment to pause and reflect. Here are a few questions that might help you explore where you are right now:

  • What parts of your business light you up, and which parts feel heavy or draining? Why do you think that is?
  • When was the last time you felt truly excited about a project or an opportunity? What made it so special?
  • If you could change one thing about your business right now, what would it be? And what’s holding you back from making that change?
  • Is there a part of you that’s longing for something different, something more aligned with who you are now?

Wherever you find yourself in this moment, know that it’s okay. It’s okay to feel uncertain, to question your path, to sit with the discomfort of not having all the answers. What matters is that you’re willing to listen to that inner voice, to trust yourself, and to be open to whatever possibilities the universe may be placing in front of you. That’s what I did.

Dear reader, I’d love to hear your thoughts. If this story sparked something in you, if it brought up questions or insights about your own journey, I invite you to share them. I want to know your story, your experience, your dreams. Simply post a comment here or email me at We’re in this together, after all.

And remember, sometimes life hands us a chance to start over. Whether it’s returning to something you love with fresh eyes or discovering a new passion altogether, trust that it’s never too late to create the business—and the life—you truly desire.

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