Taking the First Bold Step

Bold and Brave

Let’s take the first step together.

“Man, you’d think by now I’d be beyond this, John.” I was on a call with my life coach, trying to shake off a weight I couldn’t quite name.

“What… you mean being human?” he asked.

“No, the fear, the self-doubt, and overwhelm I woke up to this morning,” I replied.

Just yesterday, Mario and I solidified a collaboration that could take Magpai to multi-seven figures in the coming years. It was a huge leap, and while exciting, it brought with it the familiar weight of uncertainty.

“You’ve taken on some big goals, Jane. It’s natural to feel the need to recalibrate as you step back into this role,” John reminded me.

You’d think that after 37 years of pushing through doubt and overwhelm, I’d have it down by now. But that’s not how business works. With each new, bigger dream, we are called to step into a stronger version of ourselves.

“Jane, I’ve watched you navigate your share of challenges. You acknowledge them, trust yourself, and move forward. But sometimes, when you take on something really big, you have to lean into all your tools to stay grounded. You’ve got this.”

He was right. The "Big Thing" is stepping back into the role of CEO at Magpai after a year-long sabbatical. This requires me to be bolder, braver, and more committed to the dream than to my comfort.

How about you?

To finish out 2024 strong, do you need to be bolder? To take more courageous action?

If yes, I hope you’ll join me for the next 14 days as I take you along for the ride.

Why am I doing this?

  • First, writing helps me process fear, doubt, and overwhelm.
  • Second, I know when I show up vulnerably, it makes you feel a little less alone in your journey.
  • And finally, after 37 years in business, I’ve learned some hard-won lessons about how to grow a business without losing yourself.

As I often do before embarking on a big project, I took these thoughts into my journal and asked, “OK God, what do I need to know as I re-engage with my community over the next 14 days?”

The answer came: “You love it when you're on the edge. So many will be served through this.”

“I know, but what if no one’s there to receive it?”

“Let go of the outcome. See this as the gift it is—for you and for your community. Your honesty is needed now more than ever. Transparency is how you inspire.”

So here’s my promise to you:

  • To practice what I preach—by showing up fully and authentically.
  • To deepen our connection by revealing more of who I am.
  • To remind you that you’re not alone on this wild entrepreneurial journey.
  • To share the tools and strategies that have kept me grounded and successful.

And so, here we go. Today, I’m inviting you to take the first step on this 14-day experiment. Reflect on a project you’re embarking on or about to begin. Write in your journal and connect with a source greater than yourself—whatever that might be—and deepen your commitment by understanding the “why” behind it all.

I’m committed to showing up as my Bold & Brave self. Will you do the same? Share with me what you discover.

Let’s make these next 14 days count.


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