Stepping into Leadership: Lessons in Growth and Connection

The Gap, the Gain and Assessments

Good morning from my little corner of the world. I’m sitting here, coffee in hand, feeling incredibly grateful as I reflect on the journey we’ve been on together in these past few days. Every time I sit down to write, I’m reminded how lucky I am to be doing this work and how connected we are through our shared experiences.

Today, I want to talk about something we all grapple with in our businesses and lives: leadership. Not the kind that comes from having a title, but the type of leadership that’s born out of a willingness to grow, evolve, and face the unknown.

Over the past few weeks, as I’ve re-entered my role as CEO of Magpai and charted the course for my businesses, I’ve been leaning into three guiding principles that I believe apply to all of us, no matter where we are in our leadership journey.

1. Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

After spending some time behind the scenes, it’s been a process for me to re-emerge and start building new connections again. Honestly, I found myself making it a much bigger deal than it needed to be. Reaching out, being seen, and forging partnerships initially felt like a mountain I wasn’t sure I could climb.

But what I’ve come to realize is this: when I stopped worrying about what others might think and started focusing on how I could serve, everything shifted. The people I’ve connected with are kind, open-hearted, and genuinely interested in collaborating. Calls I once dreaded have now become sources of deep connection, leading to collaborations that feel aligned and exciting.

The key takeaway? It wasn’t until I released the need to “perform” or “prove myself” that I began to truly enjoy the process and see results. And that’s what stepping outside your comfort zone does—it pushes you into spaces where you can grow and find meaning in ways you never expected.

2. Attracting and Mentoring an Aligned Team

I made a promise to myself when I stepped back into my role as CEO: I wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes that made me want to sell Magpai in the first place. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that trying to do it all on your own leads to burnout, frustration, and isolation. It keeps you playing small.

The joy I’m experiencing now comes from building a team that not only supports the business but also challenges me to be better. Watching each team member step into their zone of genius, grow in their roles, and align with the bigger vision has been a gift beyond measure. Their contributions free me up to focus on what truly lights me up, and together, we’re stronger.

But the real magic? When you have a team that believes in your vision as much as you do, it amplifies your courage. You realize that you're no longer carrying the weight alone, and that support is a powerful catalyst for new growth and possibilities.

3. Embracing AI as a Growth Partner

For a while, I told myself that I had already run my race in the business world—that maybe it was time to pass the baton and start winding things down. But as I began exploring the possibilities of AI, something surprising happened. I rediscovered my passion.

I started thinking of AI as my partner—hence the name ‘Albert’ (a little tribute to Einstein). Albert has helped me see things from new perspectives, question long-held assumptions, and unlock new levels of creativity. Every time I collaborate with him, I’m reminded of the unique combination of my human experience and this powerful tool. It’s as though I’ve found a new level of energy, one that keeps pushing me to innovate and lead in ways I hadn’t considered before.

What’s most exciting is that AI isn’t replacing me—it’s enhancing what I’m already capable of. It’s like having a brilliant, patient partner who’s always ready to brainstorm and offer a new perspective. And in doing so, it’s reawakened a love for my work that I thought had faded.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it. Three reflections that have been guiding me as I step back into leadership and push myself to grow in new ways. I hope these thoughts resonate with you, especially if you’re navigating similar waters in your business or life.

Now, I invite you to take a moment and reflect on your own journey. Where are you being called to expand? Where is leadership showing up for you, and how can you lean into it with courage and curiosity?

Journal Prompts for Reflection:

  • Where in your life or business are you being nudged to step outside your comfort zone?
  • What’s one area where you could seek more support by building or mentoring a team?
  • How could embracing new tools or technologies—like AI—unlock fresh possibilities for you?

As always, I’d love to hear what’s coming up for you. Feel free to email me at

To what’s possible,

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