Inward & Outward: Navigating the Dance Between Reflection and Bold Action


Welcome to Day 10 of "Your Bold & Brave Finish," where we’re all about finding the balance between showing up powerfully and nurturing ourselves from within.

Last week was one for the books. It was full of back-to-back calls and conversations with people from different parts of my life—some old friends I hadn’t spoken to in a while, and others new connections referred by trusted colleagues. These kinds of interactions are always energizing, but I noticed something deeper happening as the week progressed. As much as I love connecting and creating momentum, I also found myself needing to step back, to recalibrate.

For someone like me, navigating between my introverted and extroverted sides is an ongoing dance. Both are essential, not just for my well-being but also for the way I lead and grow my business.

The Inner Nudge: Go Inward

One part of me craves stillness—time to recharge, reflect, and recalibrate. This is where my introverted side steps in. It whispers: “Slow down, Jane. Take care of your body and mind. Make space for yourself". And I’ve learned that when I ignore this voice for too long, my energy depletes, my creativity dulls, and I struggle to show up fully for others.

But here’s the thing: that inward focus isn’t about retreating from the world. It’s about gathering the strength, the clarity, and the sense of purpose I need to step out in a more powerful way.

The Outer Nudge: Step Out Boldly

At the same time, there’s another voice urging me to show up, to be bold, to take risks, and to connect with others on a grander scale. It’s the extroverted side that thrives on relationships, on seeing the faces of people I admire, or stepping into conversations that push me out of my comfort zone.

It’s this side that helped me say yes to multiple speaking opportunities this year, to extending those exciting invitations to collaborate with industry leaders, and to doing more on video (even when I feel far from ready).

So which is it? Do I go inward, or step out? The answer, as I’m discovering more deeply, is both.

Navigating the Balance

This past week showed me once again that both sides—introvert and extrovert—are crucial to who I am and how I lead. The key is in learning when to lean into each one, knowing that they aren’t opposites but rather partners in this dance of life and business.

Here’s how I’m embracing both sides:

Ways I’m Stepping OUT:
  • Committing to write this blog for 30 days, knowing that consistency in sharing is one way I show up for both myself and my community.
  • Saying yes to more speaking gigs and collaborations, which push me to step out of my comfort zone and into new opportunities.
  • Connecting with incredible people (old and new) who fuel my energy and remind me of why I do what I do.
  • Getting on video more, embracing the vulnerability of being seen, even when it feels uncomfortable.
Ways I’m Stepping OUT:
  • Re-committing to my morning practice, which is my lifeline to grounding myself.
  • Taking breaks between meetings to reconnect with nature and give myself space to reflect.
  • Journaling more, not just as a form of release but to process the deeper lessons of each day.
  • Meditating, or simply being still, especially after a day of intense connection.
  • Listening to my body and honoring it with rest, movement, and care when it needs to recharge.

Embracing the Bold & Brave Finish

What I’m learning, as I navigate both sides of myself, is that this dance between going inward and stepping out is what keeps me aligned. One fuels the other, and together they allow me to show up in the world with a sense of purpose, presence, and possibility.

So, I ask you: where are you being called to go next? Are you feeling the pull to step into something bolder, or is it time to give yourself space to recalibrate and reflect? Whatever it is, know that both are necessary—and that leaning into both is how we stay grounded and brave at the same time.

I’d love to hear how you’re navigating your own dance between inward reflection and outward action. Feel free to share in the comments or send me a message—I’m here to listen and learn from your journey

Here’s to the dance.

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