Crafting a Vision for Your Final 90-Day Sprint


As we enter the last quarter of 2024, I’m reminded of how powerful a clear, focused vision can be—especially when you’re sprinting toward the finish line. This final quarter isn’t just about wrapping up the year; it’s about setting the tone for how you’ll step into the New Year. And it all begins with clarity.

For me, every 90-day sprint starts with a vision. Not a vague wish or “hopefully this will happen” kind of thought. I’m talking about a vivid picture of what success looks like, grounded in my values and big-picture goals.

Back when I was first running my business, I didn’t really grasp this concept. I’d rush into projects, chasing what I thought I should be doing, without ever stopping to paint a clear picture of where I wanted to go. That is, until my dad sat me down and asked, "What’s your plan, sweetie?"

That question made me realize something: without a clear target, I was just spinning my wheels. So, I started setting visions for each quarter—small enough to be realistic but aligned with my larger business goals.

This Q4 is your chance to do the same.

Why Q4 Vision Matters

This final 90-day sprint isn’t just about closing out 2024. It’s about finishing strong, with clarity and purpose, so you can set yourself up for an even stronger start to the New Year. When you take the time to create a clear vision for the next three months, you’re setting yourself up for short-term wins that build momentum for your bigger goals.

I know we’ve all got distractions. It’s easy to let the final months of the year slip away, thinking, “I’ll start fresh in January.” But here’s the truth: how you finish 2024 will determine how you start 2025.

What do you want the end of 2024 to look like? What’s that key thing that, if achieved, would make you feel proud and ready for the next chapter?

Creating Your Q4 Vision

Here’s how I approach it, and how you can too:

1.    Get clear on what really matters:
Think about what you must accomplish in the next three months to set yourself up for success. This isn’t about cramming in more projects. It’s about focusing on the right projects.

2.    Dial up your desire, dial down the doubt:
Often, our biggest obstacle to finishing strong isn’t the plan—it’s the doubt.What I’ve found over the years is that when I let go of uncertainty and lean into what excites me, my vision becomes more magnetic, pulling me forward.

3.    Make it inspiring:
Your vision shouldn’t just be a to-do list. It should light you up! If your goals don’t get you excited, it’s time to tweak them.

What’s Your Vision for Q4?

I’d love to know what you envision for the final 90 days of this year. Take a moment to reflect. What’s the one thing that would make you feel proud, accomplished, and ready to step into 2025?

Once you’ve got that vision in place, everything else will start to fall into alignment. And the best part? When you finish strong, you get to start strong.

Here’s to crafting a powerful vision for your Q4 sprint!

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