A Case for Vulnerability in Business

Your Bold & Brave Finish

Welcome to Day 3 of Your Bold & Brave Finish

I’m smiling as I write this from my favorite chair in the family room, before the sun has come up. There’s a part of me—the mischievous part—that’s pleased to see the conversations sparked from Days 1 and 2. Some of you have reached out through email or private messages, and I want to take a moment to say thank you. Your openness means the world.

We’ve started a meaningful dialogue, and though I know you’re eager for more business-related insights (they’re coming, I promise), today I want to stay in this space of reflection. It’s about setting the tone for what’s ahead and inviting you to explore how you’re showing up in your business.

But first, I need to address something

It seems that my willingness to be transparent about my entrepreneurial journey has triggered a variety of reactions. For many, it’s been a welcomed relief in a world that often lacks true authenticity. But for others, there’s been discomfort—perhaps wondering why I don’t just dive straight into the business-scaling tactics.

I get it, and I respect it. But here’s what I want you to know:

  • Being open costs me nothing. Sharing my reality isn’t a risk for me. It’s a way to show you that what you’re feeling isn’t unique to you. After 30 years in this game, I still face the same fears, doubts, and overwhelm. The difference might be that I’ve built a higher threshold for stress and have tools to move through it more quickly. But at our core, we are the same.
  • This process serves me, too. The next 60 days will demand a lot from me, with a program launch, speaking engagements, and bringing a new company to market. Writing is how I process it all and show up as the best version of myself. And along the way, I hope it invites you into a space where you can reflect on what you’re navigating in your own business.
  • I make promises to you—and I keep them. Being vulnerable here is my way of keeping a promise. I’ve learned that when I publicly commit to something, it nudges me to rise to the challenge. It’s how I’ve accomplished some of my biggest personal feats, from backpacking through Europe to getting my MBA. This public declaration works for me, and maybe it will work for you, too.
  • Our industry needs this. I’ve grown weary of thought leaders who appear to have it all figured out. Their polished perfection can make the rest of us feel like we’re always behind or missing something. My goal is to show you all sides of me—the one who built seven successful businesses and the one who still wobbles sometimes, wondering if I can pull it all off.

So how is this landing with you? Are you reflecting on how something like this might play out in your own business? I hope so, because the world needs the unfiltered version of you—the version that shows up fully, flaws and all.

The truth is, it takes so much energy to be someone you’re not. But when you show up as exactly who you are, you tap into a whole new level of energy. You fuel yourself—and the people around you.

Journal Prompts for Reflection:

If you’re feeling inspired to explore this deeper, grab your journal and reflect on these questions:

  1. Where in your business or life are you holding back from showing your true self?
  2. What would it feel like to let go of the need to be “perfect” and just be real—flaws, doubts, and all?
  3. Who in your world might benefit from seeing the more vulnerable, authentic version of you? How can you invite them into your journey?
  4. What public commitment could you make (big or small) to move you toward a bold and brave version of yourself?

I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments or hit reply and let me know what’s coming up for you.

Much love,

P.S. For those waiting for more actionable, business-building strategies… we’ll dive into that tomorrow. Hang tight!

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